
EXCLUSIVE Flo Rida - Mail On Sunday (Review)

By now we've all heard the song on the radio, the song with the repetitive "Low,low,low...". Once people found out who was the creator of this record most (who were amazingly not annoyed by it) were on the prowl for the album. The only problem was the album was not out yet! So, this is the answer to all your distress. Flo Rida's new album 'Mail On Sunday'. If you enjoyed the track 'Low' then yes, this album is for you. The album is full with beats that you will hear in clubs and catch your mom shaking her rump-shaker to in the privacy of her own home. In my opinion this album is above your average Hip-Hop/Rap album for the main reason that the production from Timbaland, J.R. Rotem, T-Pain and Will.I.Am just to name a few, make the album make up for some of it's flaws. Flo Rida said he wanted to make an album that you would hear at a club and you can listen to in your car. He has achieved this. Although the album can get a little generic and typical of the hip-hop genre it definitely has some gems like 'Roll', 'Elevator' and 'Priceless'. I do not think I would ever said this about a hip-hop album but, I wish the album had more collaborations. The reason is I believe Flo Rida is pushed more when he is with other artists rather then solo on his tracks. Sample the songs mentioned before (Roll,Elevator and Priceless) and if you enjoy the 3 of them. I would buy the album.
Rating: 3.25 / 5

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