
Beck - Chemtrails (Single Review)

Is it just me or does Beck's latest single sound like a master produced it? Well I'm right because the genius producer Danger Mouse produced the latest track that sounds like something you would hear in the a creepy dungeon. I really like the production but what the hell is he saying? The only word I heard really was "people..". But other than that it seems that it will be a Beck type of summer.

Rating: Lyrics: 31/40 (Once you READ the lyrics it's actually pretty smart)

Tunefulness: 43/50 (Other than the over drowning of drums and some minor glitches it like always is a masterpiece by Danger Mouse)

Originality: 4/10 (I feel like I heard it before)

Overall: 78/100 (It's darker than his previous stuff and I like dark)

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