
Pink - So What (Single)

I am amazed that Pink has still has some sort of credibility. Her music over the years has deliberately tried to make Pop and Rock fans alike happy with her music.

Her first single from her upcoming album is no different. It has a wimpy/predictable 'riff' with a poppy chorus that just won't leave your head. I don't usually say people are posers but Pink I believe is one of the biggest.

I do appreciate some of her work like "Dear Mr. President" but other than that her music to me is garbage. If you want real pop listen to Robyn or rock listen to the other 1,000,000 musicians who make it better than her. I don't hate her, I just hate her music.

Rating: 21/100 (Garbage)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your that the chorus is catchy but I have to disagree that the song is bad along with the rest of her music. I personally like some of the stuff and So What is just as good. But hey, that's my opinion.

I actually reviewed this on EverHype and gave it 76%

If you get on there, rate it and maybe request friendship.