
Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My Head

If past history is the best indicater of the future than you would expect this album like all actors/actress' who turned into a musician to be bad. And in this case it's right. This album seems to be overly pretencious at times and tries too hard to be a critical darling. The thing with being over pretensious albums are they try to hard to be something they are not. The production is okay and Scarlett's voice is good (in terms of a celebrity) although it is nothing out of ordinary. Next!

Rating: Lyrics: 24/40 (I do like Tom Wait's lyrics Scarlett just makes them seem worse)

Tunefulness: 28/50 (The production is good at times but horrible at times)

Originality: 0/10 (She didn't write any of the songs so how could I give her any originality)

Overall: 52/100 (Pass...)

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